Or any other methods besides killing bosses for xp? complete playthrough 2) to get the best items possible.

I wanna preface this by saying I’ve barely played any Borderlands games (Am planning on playing through them all though), as I’ve only played the beginning of 2. It is important to know that this method of leveling up in Borderlands 2 is applicable at any time. At level 50, each of these bosses should give you 20,000+ XP (25,000 xp for The Warrior), so you can see this is significantly faster than farming Varkids. 1 Process 2 Borderlands 3 Common Farming Areas and Bosses (Main Game) 4 Common Farming Areas and Bosses (DLC) 5 External Links … All rights reserved. Mouthpiece In Chapter 3: … Whatever boss you are looking to farm the process is relatively the same. This section of the guide helps you discover details and strategies you need to take them Don't farm until your level is maxed out unlike Borderlands 1, damage follows an exponential scale in Borderlands 2. Well i basically i want to farm "Terramorphous the Invincible" just to get XXX Gaige's head. No dlc, just the normal borderlands 2 game.

A raid boss is a specialized boss which is designed to be fought by multiple players, typically of significantly higher difficulty than normal bosses and requiring specialized strategy and/or loadouts. theres a few bosses like Terramorphous Bnk3r and DLC bosses that you need to turn in the mission to farm, The warrior you can just save quit farm after killing him the first time. Borderlands 2 greatly improved on this aspect of the game, largely due to the fact that most bosses were made farmable, and given their own designated drops, whereas in the first game you relied heavily on RNG drops for most unique gear. There is a basic method and a more extended method that is useful for farming gear in addition to XP. Items found may be used, sold, or traded thus improving the character and the perceived value of the game. That said, I still thoroughly enjoyed this game a whole ton. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. There are many great antagonists and boss fights in Borderlands 2. For Borderlands 2 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Who are some of the worst bosses/enemies to farm? With each boss having the potential to drop unique legendary items to use, it’s going to be worth it farm these bosses. Hodunks) series of missions (given by Ellie in The Dust). You need to complete 2 side quests: The Good, the Bad, and the Mordecai (found on the Sanctuary Bounty Board) and the entire Clan War (Zafords vs.